[Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Depression and Eating Disorders in Patients Submitted to Bariatric Surgery].

Acta medica portuguesa. 2016;29(3):176-81

Plain language summary

Bariatric surgery has become the most efficient way to obtain satisfying results in terms of weight loss, comorbidity improvement and survival amongst people with morbid obesity. The aim of the study is to assess the progression of type 2 diabetes and psychopathological variables before and after bariatric surgery. A secondary aim is to analyse the importance of the different variables in weight loss outcomes. The retrospective observational and cross-sectional study involves clinical data of 75 patients, aged between 23 and 64, before and after bariatric surgery. Results indicate that type 2 diabetes improved through bariatric surgery, and that type 2 diabetes, depression and eating disorders have an influence on weight loss postoperatively. Authors conclude that it is important to provide continuous psychiatric follow-up of patients who undergo bariatric surgery.


INTRODUCTION Obesity is associated with a great number of complications, including type 2 diabetes mellitus and psychiatric pathology. Bariatric surgery is the best solution to weight loss and improvement of complications in morbid obese patients. This study aims to analyze the evolution of type 2 diabetes mellitus and psychopathologic variables before and after bariatric surgery and assess the importance of different variables in weight loss. MATERIAL AND METHODS This is a longitudinal study, which evaluates 75 patients before and after bariatric surgery (47 - LAGB - laparoscopic adjustable gastric band; 19 - RYGB - Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; 9 - sleeve) with a follow-up time between 18 and 46 months. A clinical interview and self report questionnaires were applied - Eating Disorder Examination questionnaire - EDE-Q and Beck Depression Inventory - BDI. RESULTS Results show an improvement in type 2 diabetes mellitus after surgery (X2 (1) = 26.132, p < 0.001). There was not a significant improvement among psychiatric pathology when we controlled the analysis for the type of surgery. It was verified that type 2 diabetes mellitus, depression and eating disorders in post-operative period are associated with less weight loss. This model explains 27% of weight variance after surgery (R2 = 0.265) and it is significant F (3.33) = 2.981, p = 0.038. DISCUSSION Type 2 diabetes mellitus, psychiatric pathology and eating disorders after surgery influenced weight loss. It was not clear in what way this relation was verified, neither the relation that these metabolic and psychological variables may have during the postoperative period. CONCLUSION Type 2 diabetes mellitus improved after surgery. Type 2 diabetes mellitus, depression and eating disorders influenced weight loss in the postoperative period. These variables did not influence weight loss in the preoperative period. Introdução: A obesidade associa-se a um elevado número de comorbilidades, entre as quais a diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e a patologia psiquiátrica. A cirurgia bariátrica tem demonstrado ser a melhor solução para a perda de peso e a melhoria das complicações nos casos de obesidade mórbida. O objetivo deste estudo é o de analisar a evolução da diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e de variáveis psicopatológicas antes e depois da cirurgia bariátrica e verificar o seu impacto na perda de peso. Material e Métodos: É um estudo longitudinal, que avalia 75 indivíduos antes e depois de serem submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica (47 - banda gástrica; 19 - bypass Roux-en-Y gástrico; 9 - sleeve gástrico), com tempo de follow-up entre 18 e 46 meses. Os instrumentos de avaliação foram a entrevista clínica e os questionários Eating Disorder Examination questionnaire - EDE-Q e Beck Depression Inventory - BDI. Resultados: Verificou-se melhoria relativamente à variável dicotómica diabetes mellitus tipo 2 após a cirurgia (X(1) = 26,132, p < 0,001). Não ocorreu melhoria significativa em termos de patologia psiquiátrica quando a análise foi controlada para o tipo de cirurgia. Encontrámos uma associação significativa entre as variáveis em estudo no pós-cirúrgico e a perda de peso. Este modelo explica 27% da variação do peso após a cirurgia (R2 = 0,265) e é significativo F (3,33) = 2,981, p = 0,038. Discussão: A diabetes mellitus tipo 2, patologia depressiva ou do comportamento alimentar mostraram estar relacionados com a perda de peso. Não ficou esclarecido em que sentido esta relação é estabelecida, nem a relação que estas variáveis metabólicas e psicológicas possam ter entre si ao longo do período pós cirurgia bariátrica. Conclusão: A diabetes mellitus tipo 2 evoluiu favoravelmente após a cirurgia. Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, depressão e patologia alimentar no período pós-cirúrgico associaram-se a menor perda de peso. As variáveis estudadas no período pré cirúrgico não contribuíram de forma significativa para a perda de peso.

Lifestyle medicine

Fundamental Clinical Imbalances : Digestive, absorptive and microbiological ; Structural
Patient Centred Factors : Triggers/Eating disorder
Environmental Inputs : Diet ; Psychosocial influences
Personal Lifestyle Factors : Nutrition ; Psychological
Functional Laboratory Testing : Blood

Methodological quality

Allocation concealment : Not applicable
Publication Type : Journal Article ; Observational Study
